PAPER ID: IJIM/Vol. 9 (VII) November/1-8/1
AUTHOR: Priya Prabhat
ABSTRACT: The objective of the paper is to promote new attitude towards looking nature and culture relationship and innovative methods to promote conventional economic reasoning. There are many contested issues regarding this subject, but I will limit my research by discussing only two- first, is it possible to view the concept of sustainable development under the lens of ecology? Second, does in doing so we are following non-technological paradigm?
Basically, this paper deals with important sections. First section talks about ecology and sustainable development. Second section mentions how ecology is related to philosophy. Third section talks about man and nature. Fourth section talks about different approaches to nature. Fifth section mentions ecosystem out of gear. Sixth section talks about studying ecology means studying economics of nature. In conclusion, various important observations are drawn. It is a way of living that determines policy making in relation to environment to curb environmental problems. Simple and sustainable living gives a way towards this.
KEYWORDS: Ecology, Ecosystem, Environment, Sustainable development