PAPER ID:IJIM/V.2(X)/67-70/14
AUTHOR: Amrutha T V
ABSTRACT:African-American writers of fiction have always been pre occupied with racial themes and cultural legacies. This is due to their history of enslavement and colonization. The variety of races thrown together has created a melting-pot and the writers often tend to focus on racial prejudice and colour hierarchies. They have been subject to some of the worst fonts of physical, political, social and educational deprivation. It is comparable to the Dalit and tribal situation in India. Many African-American writers are tend to examine the link between race and politics. The experiences of deprivation are often manifested in their fiction. The novel Invisible Man deals with the quest of an unnamed Black youth for personal/racial identity as he travels from South to North, from innocence to experience, from self-deception to knowledge, from spurious visibility to existential invisibility. Ellison’s nameless hero, an existentialist underground man, learns that identity exists not in the eyes or others but in the creation of a self through violation and will .His vision has its sources in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s insight into the “underground man”, the alienated, isolated, neurotic child of disorder and chaos. But Ellison’s expression of the theme is wholly American .Folk-materials, evangelical favour and the language of the jazz, and especially the blues endow the narrative with nervous, rhythmic energy. All of these techniques combine in Invisible man to render what Ellison has called “the bright magic of the fairy tale”.
KEYWORDS: Identity, Culture, Racial Discrimination, African-American