PAPER ID:IJIM/V.2(VI)/11-15/3
AUTHOR : Dr. P.J. Rosario Vasantha Kumar and A.Charles
ABSTRACT: Now Days Mobile Learning technologies are playing an increasingly vital role in phone age people. Devices such as like smart phones, tablets, and e-book readers connect users to the word immediately, Advancements in networking technologies made it possible for mobile devices and application to be used in the field of education. It will be very easy access to information via mobile and tablets etc. It will also be effective and economic. Such technologies can have a great impact on learning by providing a rich, collaborative and conversational experience both educator and students. So this M-learning technology has become a necessary and everyday part of Screen (teen) age people. So this article seeks to explain the meaning of M-learning and how this type learning is used for screen age people as well as explicate the advantages and disadvantage this technology.
KEYWORDS: M-Learning, Exploit of M-Learning, Advantages and Disadvantage of M-Learning.
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