AUTHOR: Anupreet Kaur Mavi,
ABSTRACT: The paper addresses the issue of measuring efficiency of police in India using Data Envelopment Analysis, a relative efficiency measuring technique. The basic organizational structure and uniformity of policing work irrespective of size, population etc., befits DEA modelling to be applied to find out police efficiencies. The CCR output model is used herein to calculate efficiencies. The major aim of the study was to compute the relative efficiencies of the state police units in India; identify the efficient referent units whose best practices could be emulated by the peers in the peer groups formed using DEA approach to efficiency calculations. It was also aimed to analyze what kind of changes in output are needed to improve upon the relative efficiency of the decision-making units. The paper measures the efficiencies of individual states/UTs for the year 2015 and also suggests the possibilities of improvements in the Decision Making Units(DMUs) by creating referent units, identifying slacks and analyzing lambda values. The chosen inputs for the study from review of literature are: Total Police Expenditure in Rupee crores(TPE), Civil police per lakh of population (CVPL), Total Police per lakh of Population (TPPL), Total Cases for Investigation (TCI) and Number of Capital Equipment Used (NCEU). The outputs selected for the analysis are: Special and Local Laws cases charge-sheeted (CSS-SLL); Indian Penal Code cases charge-sheeted (CSS-IPC), Number of persons Convicted (NPCON) and Number of Trials Completed (NTCOM).
The CCR output oriented model of DEA is thus used for analysis herein to examine the relative efficiency of state police units in India. The results so obtained suggest ways in which many State/U.T. police departments can improve the overall efficiency in relation to other States/UTs. The lambda values so generated also suggest as to which of the efficient referent unit the inefficient State police units emulate for its best practices to be followed. Among the 29 state police units and very unlikely states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh have been found to be the relatively efficient ones and Manipur has come out to be in need of major transformation to come up to the level of its relatively efficient peer state police unit of Kerala. The larger lambda value efficient referent unit should be followed by the inefficient state unit. State Police Units of Madhya Pradesh(which occurs10 times in frequency table) and Kerala(both appearing 10 times as efficient peer); followed by Chhattisgarh & Haryana(occurring 7 times as efficient peer). Discrimination of Efficient State Police Units from frequency of appearing in reference has also been done thereby using the information in categorizing the state police units into Highly Robust State Police Units and Marginally Robust State Police Units. Besides the above discrimination, an attempt was made to discriminate the inefficient state police units as well for which the quartile values of efficiency scores were used into ‘into four categories-‘most inefficient’, ‘Below Average’, ‘Above Average’ and ‘Marginally inefficient units.’
KEYWORDS: : Efficiency, state police units of India , Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA), reference units