PAPER ID: IJIM/Vol. 9 (IV) August 2024/1–5/1

AUTHOR: Mr. Rajaram V. Kapadi[I], Mrs. Heena A. Bavaskar[II] Mrs. Jagruti Ghare[III]


ABSTRACT: Today’s technological technology presents a wide range of challenges for managing library operations in a genuine and straightforward way. The greatest way to protect the materials in our libraries and manage all of their daily tasks is using RFID technology. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, a technique that automatically identifies individual objects using radio waves. RFID reader and RFID tag collaboration is required by the technology. This technique allows an object, animal, or human to be individually identified using electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio frequency (RF) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This technology makes it possible to provide significantly better services to customers, particularly in the area of self-checkout, and it makes better use of professional staff. Additionally, it may help library employees avoid repetitive stress injuries. However, the technology also poses a risk of tracking library users and hot listing them.

KEYWORDS: RFID, Security system RFID tags, RFID Technology

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